Tag: Western North Carolina

  • Book Dust

    Book Dust

      Dust begins to fall from the book I’m sewing as the thread pulls through the paper. Heather and I have finally created enough paste papers to start making/sewing books again. As I sew together a book for a dear friend, dust from the thread needling through the paste paper makes colorful dust that falls…

  • Morning Prayer

    Morning Prayer

    Peace descends upon my heart this morning which is not made of my making. The awakening to the day, however, was filled with worry over my dog, Birdie. Congestion bothers her breathing and I can hear it. I come to the computer to rearrange my budget. Yet, all I can do is wait for the…

  • First Volume of Praying Together: An Ecumenical Prayer Journal

    First Volume of Praying Together: An Ecumenical Prayer Journal

    Announcing the first prayer journal in a new series called Praying Together. The daily prayers are adapted from the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) of the Episcopal Church of American and the Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Volume 1 uses Psalms and John as part of the daily…

  • Changing the Story and Changing Perception

    “Change the story and you change perception; change perception and you change the world.”  ~Jean Houston   Change is not one of humanity’s favorite gifts. Yet, most humans don’t see change as a gift, but more as moving into the unfamiliar. The irony is that the only thing we can truly count on in life…

  • This Life I Have Been Given

    There’s a song that has been coming back to me from long ago. It’s one my mom played on the piano and then my sister and I would take turns singing the verses. The title of the song is, “This Life” and it’s by Evie Tournquist. She was a contemporary gospel singer popular in the…