Tag: love

  • Joy in the Morning – A Valentine to Myself

    Joy in the Morning – A Valentine to Myself

    “It is a serious thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in this broken world.” ~Mary Oliver I rise early on this rainy morning, excited about the book I’m editing, excited about the essay I’m writing. There is joy in the morning. This often happens for me as a morning person. Classical piano…

  • A Letter to Steven about Vocation

    A Letter to Steven about Vocation

    December 16, 2019 Dear Steven, Walking into the quiet winter morning, the red-pink in the East draws my eye to the rising sun. The sky is blue-gray and purple clouds are painted across the Northern sky. The West is behind Beech Mountain, although my residence is considered on the “backside” of the mountain. Birdie and…

  • Gratitude without a Car

    Gratitude without a Car

    Love always wins wherever and whenever it occurs.

  • Ginger Snaps and Coffee

    Ginger Snaps and Coffee

    Love changes us. When we can trust in love and that real love leads us to health and well-being, we can allow the sugar of life to mix with the bitter chemistry of pain, loss, and fear and cook up something as delicious as a life well-lived.

  • Changing the Story and Changing Perception

    “Change the story and you change perception; change perception and you change the world.”  ~Jean Houston   Change is not one of humanity’s favorite gifts. Yet, most humans don’t see change as a gift, but more as moving into the unfamiliar. The irony is that the only thing we can truly count on in life…