Tag: belief

  • Here Comes the Sun – Hope for Light in the Shadows

    Here Comes the Sun – Hope for Light in the Shadows

    Here comes the sun. Today is full of sunlight. That doesn’t necessarily mean there is warmth. Yet, we all know that the coming sun promises of coming warmth. That’s always our hope especially after a winter as tough as the one that is still passing. My dear friend Alicia posted this wonderful picture saying, “Here…

  • Friendship and Marching Forward

    Friendship and Marching Forward

    I like puns. Marching forward in March. Seems appropriate for the month of March and to celebrate a new start. I am using the word celebrate, while also hoping that a positive new start will actually come true. Yesterday was the one year mark of my separation from my beloved wife. It’s been a hard…

  • Random Thoughts on a February Morning

    Random Thoughts on a February Morning

    Random Thoughts 2/2/2018 Just because a person misspeaks once, doesn’t mean the person is all-bad or all-wrong. As humans, we are prone to error. What makes us think another is in the wrong because of a mistake? What makes us think we are totally in the right because the mistake is obvious to us?  …

  • Snow Kisses

  • A New Year of Creativity – 2018

      Creativity is my passion. At the writing of this blog, my life dreams are coming true with three published books, a CD, and more creative projects becoming manifest. Each year of my life has been filled with poetry, reflection, music, meditation, and all of the good that life has to offer. This new year…