Tag: art

  • Book Dust

    Book Dust

      Dust begins to fall from the book I’m sewing as the thread pulls through the paper. Heather and I have finally created enough paste papers to start making/sewing books again. As I sew together a book for a dear friend, dust from the thread needling through the paste paper makes colorful dust that falls…

  • A Letter to Steven about Vocation

    A Letter to Steven about Vocation

    December 16, 2019 Dear Steven, Walking into the quiet winter morning, the red-pink in the East draws my eye to the rising sun. The sky is blue-gray and purple clouds are painted across the Northern sky. The West is behind Beech Mountain, although my residence is considered on the “backside” of the mountain. Birdie and…

  • Begin Again

    Begin Again

    Each day is a new day to begin again. The morning light grows brighter and energizes me. As I sweep the porch, I think my love of G+d, the Holy of Holies. Thinking on the task before me as another year passes, questions arise. What does it mean to be an artist who is untrained,…

  • When I Am Not Writing…

    When I’m not writing, I am creating something else. Or in the case of this blog, I’m also creating as I type because I’m listening to new musicians (at least new to me). The world is big and our souls even larger. In addition to valuing the creative spirit, I believe in the power and…

  • Calling All Heroes

    Calling All Heroes

    Calling all heroes, it’s time to step up. At 57, I ask myself again, “What am I doing with my life?” It’s a question I’ve always asked myself and as a result, well, became rather results oriented. The first decision I made was in sixth grade. I was going to be a foreign missionary to…