Policy Change: a response to The Rev. Hugh Hollowell
Policy Change is a post written by a minister I follow on Facebook, The Rev. Hugh Hollowell. He posted it the other day in response to world events. Since I am a person who is anti-conflict and also considered a peacemaker, his policy change has been following me around this week exhorting me to change…
The Beauty of Silence with The Reverend Tamara Franks (UCC)
Since I cannot get out and support the wider LGBT community as I wish, I’m finding ways that I can do that from my home. High Country United Church of Christ (UCC), Boone, is a wonderful and open congregation here in the High Country of North Carolina. I hope you will enjoy this podcast of…
Ornery Muses and Love, Sweet Love
As I finish a music project for a local church and print off a book draft, I have to laugh at how ornery my muses are. At first, I typed that they were uncooperative and realized that wasn’t exactly correct. I’m not having a creative block. If anything, they are hounding me about so many…
Dark Rabbit Holes
During meditation today, I couldn’t keep my mind from chasing down what my counselor called yesterday, “dark rabbit holes”. His terminology for the dark places my mind tends to go is perfect. Theology and meditation often send me down rabbit holes of light. I love musical rabbit holes. Going to listen to a song on…