Book Dust
Dust begins to fall from the book I’m sewing as the thread pulls through the paper. Heather and I have finally created enough paste papers to start making/sewing books again. As I sew together a book for a dear friend, dust from the thread needling through the paste paper makes colorful dust that falls…
Slow is Beautiful
I was finally able to go with Heather to Rocky Knob this morning. In the past few months I’ve had a few more health challenges keeping me off the trail. Though I couldn’t make the entire trail, it was still powerful to be on the way back to hiking. As always Heather was her kind…
Who Are You? Who Are You Becoming?
Years ago, when I first started working as a pastor in churches, I asked new people that I met what they did for a living. The question seemed less intrusive than what I considered a more personal question like whether they were married or if they had children. Also, because I was single, I didn’t…
You Are Dust – BE dust
READINGS In talking about Psalm 23, Cole Arthur Riley states in her book, This Here Flesh: “I find it beautiful that in the face of terror, G-d doesn’t bid us toward courage as we might pereive it. Instead, [G-d] draws us toward fear’s essential sister, rest – a sister who is not meant to replace…
A Point – Poetry Matters
“It’s not about how successful we are right now, but what we aim at that is most important.” ~Mingyur Rinpoche, “The Easy Middle”